You're kidding me, right?!?
OK, I have 10 minutes before the library closes (i.e. the last time I can use the internet with any certainty).
Passed the evaluation form to my supervisor today, with some trepidation. That man's gotta be kidding me! Overall A grade? "Highly motivated & enthusiastic", he said. Yeah right .. so enthusiastic that today, I actually strode right into theatre wearing street shoes! We were halfway through the operation when my boss looked at my shoes, and then I realised - SHIT. Ran right out and changed into OT boots. Anyway, PHEW. Glad that it's all over!!
Oh, and today's operations were the grossest EVER.
Q: When do you go for an eye surgery, and wake up with a painful mouth full of blood??
A: When the doctor sliced out pieces of your mouth's mucous lining to put INTO your eyes.
Yeah, saw a mucosal graft followed by an amniotic membrane graft in a patient with alkaline burns to the eye. It really looked extremely grotesque. After he sewed the buccal tissue onto the sclera, the entire eye looked like it's swollen - like in severe chemosis. And after that, he put some amniotic membrane (yes, the thing that babies are surrounded with in the womb) onto the entire eye. EWWW.
Alright, just a couple more photos before the start real ulu-ness.

One of the 3 swans in the pond near the hospital.

AH. My search for sundews led me to this lovely wood of Rhododendrons near the hall. =) It's oddly romantic to stroll here alone.
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