Of Haggis & Nessie

The chronicles of disorientation amongst the scottish brogue

Friday, May 19, 2006

That's all for photos

No more photos I think - that's all I have in my flash drive. =( Shall think of ways to transfer the photos from the phone to these computers in hospital. Was thinking of installing the bluetooth connector here, but I realised that the server is centrally-administrated and you can't install software. Darn. Nokia's fault - they should really have just made their phones to function as discreet USB flash drives, just a cable connecting phone to PC and having the PC recognising the phone as a separate drive. But noooo - they JUST had to be fancy and insisted on having software to transfer information. Complete idiots.

A pang of nostalgia hit me, regarding Madison. Compared to Glasgow, it's such a beautiful place. Perhaps it's because I was so much less lonely there - there was yx and her cranky room-mate. Or perhaps, it's because I was there during a most beautiful snowstorm. Or perhaps, it's because Glasgow is a post-industrialised area (i.e. loads of slums still) while Madison is really a nice University town place, mostly students where I stay at. Or perhaps, it's because I miss the happy-sounding greetings of, "Hi! How're ya doin'?" every time I go into a shop. Yep, starkly different. I'm hoping the highlands would be nicer. I've been told countless times that even Edinburgh's nicer.

* * * * *

Oooh, just had vegetable fried rice with curry, at £1.50! Apparently the staff get a hidden discount =) It's really not too bad, except that the fried rice is again very odd, and the curry's not quite spicy enough. It's good curry at least - I was expecting Japanese-style "curry". Wonder if it's worth coming here on weekends fully dressed-up just to get cheap lunches.

Anyway, one thing is that I've brought my labcoats for nothing. Students here don't wear that stuff, they've been told it's unhygienic. And so we've been told, too. Apparently NUS thinks that labcoats can poison perfectly-normal people eating at a canteen, while it'll be totally harmless when we wear them to see immunocompromised patients? You either get rid of it totally, or you don't bother. It just ends up making no sense at all.

I wonder what happened to all the hoo-ha regarding the patho exams. I simply love the fact that people do stand up for wrongdoing on the dean's office's part, but how come it died down?

10 more minutes till teaching ... I can jolly well skip it, since it's part of the other students' schedules and not mine, but otherwise I'd have absolutely nothing to do anyway. Fretting about lunch on Sat and Sun if the Singaporeans don't meet up. Wonder what I should eat, or where I should get food from.

1) Fast food in town
2) Convenience foods in room
3) I'm really not feeling all that adventurous right now about finding exotic locations for food, especially not when I'm totally alone.

* * * * *

Chris and Fiona have just gone home. Suddenly feels terribly empty and lonely here in hospital, even though we don't really hang out all that much. It's just that Monday feeling, you know ... when I was quite alone?


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