Of Haggis & Nessie

The chronicles of disorientation amongst the scottish brogue

Thursday, May 18, 2006

A Series of Unfortunate Events

No, it's not about the movie (which sucked by the way). The final straw came last night - my laptop is spoilt. It is. I'm so pissed. It boots, gets into the Windows loading screen, gets stuck there for 1 minute, then a blue screen comes up and it reboots, and goes into a black screen saying "We're sorry but Windows did not start up normally. This could be due to a recent hardware or software change.", and there are 5 options on the screen including safe mode, safe mode with networking, normal, last good setting and blah blah blah, then it counts down from 30 and reboots, and the whole story starts. Could it be the stupid bluetooth dongle software? But it doesn't quite make sense, cos after I installed the bluetooth software, I rebooted the computer and it worked. Next morning, it still worked. By night, the laptop died.

As far as I'm concerned, this is the last straw. Every single electronic thing seems to go haywire here. Now I don't even have games in my room anymore, and I've just finished my second Dan Brown book. And I've run out of stuff to read except textbooks. The TV is awful here - plain awful. At least, there was Desperate Housewives yesterday. It was an excellent break from the awful English accent.


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