Case of the apparating fruits
For 3 days in a row, I've been putting all sorts of fruits in my coat pocket and forgetting all about them. First was the banana (which turned black). Then this morning I found an apple in my pocket which I had put in during dinner last night. It was still good, so I ate it for tea. After dinner, I remembered another banana I had in my pocket.
* * * * *
Met that Singaporean girl again during dinner tonight.
Girl: "Oh hi" (notice: no exclaimation mark)
Me: "Hi" (again, I reciprocated without the exclaimation mark. I was so expressively nonplussed.)
Well, at least you acknowledge that I'm here.
Then we walked off. What, no small talk?
I know what you're made of, girl. You're just like that fruit I found in my pocket.
* * * * *
The place is strangely deserted tonight. I got a very bad fright this evening though. I was sitting out in the yard enjoying the breeze (that turned into a gale 10 minutes later) and having fun with the mp3 player when I heard a rustle behind me. Turning behind, I saw a SWAMP THING. This groteque green creature strode out of nowhere and walked past me. Almost before I had recovered from the shock, a NINJA quickly followed behind. WTF?? I think it's some kind of costume party - sure as hell made me jump!!

Also watched House and Grey's Anatomy just now. I do not approve of House. It's bad medical practice and his voice is extremely irritating. If he thinks making that sort of grunting baboon-like noise is sexy, he's dead wrong. And what kind of stupid consultant only introduces himself to the patient just as she is about to die? (I'm talking about the black plague episode here.) The whole thing was just awful, it's a stupid exaggeration of real work, and a very bad one at that. Even Grey's was much more convincing. Like, those doctors on the team were rattling off differential diagnoses faster than my brain could register what they were saying - why don't all of you just shut up and DO SOMETHING to show whether you're right or wrong? And each time a differential was mentioned, it was shot down - and get this - just because a single sign/symptom wasn't there? Hello. Get real man. Not everyone who has haemorrhoids have blood fountains shooting out of their asses, yes? They excluded meningitis without doing a spinal tap? =/ Dubious. This episode would have made the dream ethics case writeup though.
Grey's was rather more satisfying. It did make me extremely homesick though, which explains why I'm down here in the computer cluster in the middle of the night. Again, medical ethics - drinking and performing surgery - not likely in Singapore, but I wouldn't put it past the scottish. Did I ever mention that the Glasgow people are fei1 chang2 nan2 kan4?? OMG. Not a single decent one. All quite kong3 bu4. YUCK. Only Chris and Fiona look even decent, and that good-looking doc I was with on Monday. He's definitely Glaswegian, dumbass accent. (Which, incidentally, was the very first thing Kirithi talked to me about .. hah.)
Will be meeting my supervisor for the first time tomorrow, pray that everything will be alright. Even if it's not .. well, I'm still gonna be out of here in another 2 weeks.
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