Disappeared. I know.
If you've been wondering how come this serial blogger has been missing for the last couple of days, the reason's simple - I've been unceremoniously denied use of their very poor internet access, due to problems with their log-in system. Very odd indeed. Several other students have also been affected, as far as I know.
I made an offline version of diary on my laptop, but as I did not expect this very nice bit of hospitality from a new-found acquiantance, I can't quite upload it as yet. Just a very brief summary of what has transpired over the last 24 hrs or so:
1) Net is down. No net. No net in room either. No net. Keyboard is ridiculously noisy.
2) Discovered that ALL .com.sg domains take an eternity to be downloaded.
3) Bought a $15 prepaid SIM card, in case I need to be contacted in hospital. It's charged at £0.15 per minute for local calls - still very much cheaper than my room phone's charges (I used up £7 in a single day for LOCAL calls.)
4) My digicam is spoilt. It can be switched on, but the screen absolutely refuses to come on. Sad. So now I can't take any nice pics, except from my phone.
5) This is Enid Blyton land. Wild bunnies, woods with streams flowing through (and the occasional weirdo fly-fishing for trout I think), dandelions and daisies everywhere. I won't be surprised to meet a bear then (refer to main blog regarding the morbid fear of getting eaten by bears in Glencoe)
6) People here are definitely not as friendly as those in Wisconsin. Definitely.
7) The youths (<20 years old) here are frequently high on drugs. Hanging out in groups of 6-8, jubilantly hugging each other in a group and jumping in joy and then scattering and flouncing all over the place (and I mean that this happened like 10 times in 5 minutes?). If it's not drugs, then this is the Sahara Desert.
8) It's bloody bright at 10pm. And I can't understand a word of what people are saying.
9) Met another Singaporean today living in this same hall, hullo. Year 1 medical student, hullo hullo. And not quite friendly, boooo. I get the impresion she's the sort who likes to be seen around ang mohs, but to give her some credit, she did try hard to give me directions to the hospital. Not much help, but hey, it's by virtue of this meeting that I have net access now! What happened was, she asked one of her friends about going to the hospital, and I met her friend in the com room and was simply grousing that I can't log in, and she so very kindly logged in using HER account and let me use it. I'll bet my last strand of hair that she's American. The same went for Christine, this student warden who really went out of her way to make me feel good yesterday. (Don't think of funny things. I just meant friendly.) Turned out to be ABC from NYC.
10) Bought weekly concession ticket just now at Bucchanan bus station for £8. Nice. It costs me £1.30 single trip to the city, so that's a lot of savings.
11) I'm a 20-minute bus ride away from the city.
12) I may contact some of NUS people who are in Glasgow right now. I just might.
13) Really miss home, miss everyone, and miss Brownie. =( It's utterly lonely here, and not having net access in my room has made things a million times worse. The loneliness might get better come Monday, after I start going to hospital. Can't wait for mom and yx to arrive for hols. 3 weeks - damn, that's a LOOONG TIME.
14) It's only my second day here and I'm almost finished reading The Da Vinci Code. OK, I KNOW I'm supposed to study, hahaha. And BTW, I'm not latching on to the bandwagon here. I know the movie's coming out and yada yada, but I'm planning to visit the Roslyn Chapel and Westminster Abbey during the last 2 weeks anyway, and got wind that they actually featured in that book.
Thanks for the comments everyone, it's really nice to hear from familiar voices in this desolate land. =)
Just a little something that popped into my mind just now.
(trunk call to Wolfson Hall)
Me: Do you rooms have internet access?
Woman: I'm afraid not, but we do have a computer cluster with about 10 computers that you could use.
My dear woman. 10 computers, yes. But how many of them are actually WORKING? (only half are).
The funny parts of life here, sigh. People here aren't too fussed about the net. They just log on for <10 minutes and are satisfied and leave. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. I'D DO THIS THE WHOLE NIGHT IF I COULD! AND STAY LOGGED IN TO THIS ACCOUND UNTIL TOMORROW AND USE IT UNTIL TOMORROW NIGHT AND STAY HERE AGAIN UNTIL MONDAY MORNING WHEN I HAVE TO GO TO HOSPITAL!
Hahaha... angry outbursts. OK, definitely want to move out of here I think.
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